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BEST English 1 Creating Our Class Newspaper


Subject: Language Arts, Social Studies, Art

Grade Level: Second Grade

Time: 5 days (45-60 minutes per day)


  • Students will understand the basic components of a newspaper.

  • Students will develop writing and editing skills.

  • Students will practice interviewing and gathering information.

  • Students will collaborate and work as a team.

  • Students will express creativity through writing and art.


  • Examples of newspapers (local, national, school)

  • Large sheets of paper (for planning)

  • Blank paper (for articles)

  • Markers, crayons, colored pencils

  • Scissors and glue

  • Cameras (optional)

  • Computers/tablets (optional)

Day 1: Introduction to Newspapers

  1. Introduction (10 minutes):

    • Begin by asking students if they have ever seen a newspaper.

    • Show examples of different newspapers and discuss what they notice (headlines, pictures, sections).

    • Explain that newspapers tell stories about what is happening in the world.

  2. Exploring Newspaper Sections (20 minutes):

    • Discuss common newspaper sections: news, sports, weather, entertainment, comics.

    • Divide students into small groups and give each group a section of a newspaper to examine.

    • Have each group share what they learned about their section.

  3. Planning Our Newspaper (15 minutes):

    • As a class, brainstorm ideas for sections in their own class newspaper (e.g., class news, student interviews, book reviews, art gallery).

    • Create a list of potential article topics.

Day 2: Gathering Information and Writing Articles

  1. Choosing Topics (10 minutes):

    • Students choose a topic from the class list or come up with their own.

    • Discuss how to gather information for their articles (interviewing, observing, researching).

  2. Interviewing Practice (15 minutes):

    • Practice interviewing skills by having students interview each other about simple topics.

    • Discuss how to ask open-ended questions and take notes.

  3. Writing Articles (20-30 minutes):

    • Students begin writing their articles, using their notes and gathered information.

    • Encourage students to use descriptive language and complete sentences.

    • Teacher circulates to assist with writing.

Day 3: Editing and Revising

  1. Peer Editing (20 minutes):

    • Pair students up to peer edit each other's articles.

    • Provide students with a checklist for editing (e.g., spelling, grammar, clarity).

    • Students provide constructive feedback to their partners.

  2. Revising Articles (25-30 minutes):

    • Students revise their articles based on peer feedback.

    • Teacher assists with individual editing and provides further guidance.

Day 4: Creating Visuals and Layout

  1. Creating Illustrations (20 minutes):

    • Students create illustrations or take photos to accompany their articles.

    • Discuss how visuals can enhance a newspaper article.

  2. Newspaper Layout (25-30 minutes):

    • Demonstrate how to arrange articles and visuals on a newspaper page.

    • Students begin laying out their articles on blank paper, leaving space for headlines and visuals.

Day 5: Assembling and Sharing the Newspaper

  1. Final Assembly (20 minutes):

    • Students finalize their newspaper layout and glue articles and visuals onto large sheets of paper.

    • Add headlines and a title for the newspaper.

  2. Sharing the Newspaper (25-30 minutes):

    • Students share their newspaper with the class.

    • Students read their articles aloud and discuss their experiences.

    • Display the newspaper in the classroom or school hallway.


  • Observe students' participation and collaboration during the project.

  • Evaluate students' writing for clarity, grammar, and content.

  • Assess students' ability to gather information and conduct interviews.

  • Evaluate the overall layout and presentation of the newspaper.


  • For students needing extra support: Provide sentence starters, simplified vocabulary, and one-on-one assistance.

  • For advanced students: Encourage them to write longer articles, conduct more in-depth interviews, and explore different writing styles.

Extension Activities:

  • Create a digital version of the newspaper using online tools.

  • Invite a guest speaker (e.g., a journalist) to talk to the class about newspapers.

  • Visit a local newspaper office.

  • Have students create a weekly or monthly class newspaper.



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