Subject: Language Arts, Social Studies, Art
Grade Level: Second Grade
Time: 5 days (45-60 minutes per day)
Students will understand the basic components of a newspaper.
Students will develop writing and editing skills.
Students will practice interviewing and gathering information.
Students will collaborate and work as a team.
Students will express creativity through writing and art.
Examples of newspapers (local, national, school)
Large sheets of paper (for planning)
Blank paper (for articles)
Markers, crayons, colored pencils
Scissors and glue
Cameras (optional)
Computers/tablets (optional)
Day 1: Introduction to Newspapers
Introduction (10 minutes):
Begin by asking students if they have ever seen a newspaper.
Show examples of different newspapers and discuss what they notice (headlines, pictures, sections).
Explain that newspapers tell stories about what is happening in the world.
Exploring Newspaper Sections (20 minutes):
Discuss common newspaper sections: news, sports, weather, entertainment, comics.
Divide students into small groups and give each group a section of a newspaper to examine.
Have each group share what they learned about their section.
Planning Our Newspaper (15 minutes):
As a class, brainstorm ideas for sections in their own class newspaper (e.g., class news, student interviews, book reviews, art gallery).
Create a list of potential article topics.
Day 2: Gathering Information and Writing Articles
Choosing Topics (10 minutes):
Students choose a topic from the class list or come up with their own.
Discuss how to gather information for their articles (interviewing, observing, researching).
Interviewing Practice (15 minutes):
Practice interviewing skills by having students interview each other about simple topics.
Discuss how to ask open-ended questions and take notes.
Writing Articles (20-30 minutes):
Students begin writing their articles, using their notes and gathered information.
Encourage students to use descriptive language and complete sentences.
Teacher circulates to assist with writing.
Day 3: Editing and Revising
Peer Editing (20 minutes):
Pair students up to peer edit each other's articles.
Provide students with a checklist for editing (e.g., spelling, grammar, clarity).
Students provide constructive feedback to their partners.
Revising Articles (25-30 minutes):
Students revise their articles based on peer feedback.
Teacher assists with individual editing and provides further guidance.
Day 4: Creating Visuals and Layout
Creating Illustrations (20 minutes):
Students create illustrations or take photos to accompany their articles.
Discuss how visuals can enhance a newspaper article.
Newspaper Layout (25-30 minutes):
Demonstrate how to arrange articles and visuals on a newspaper page.
Students begin laying out their articles on blank paper, leaving space for headlines and visuals.
Day 5: Assembling and Sharing the Newspaper
Final Assembly (20 minutes):
Students finalize their newspaper layout and glue articles and visuals onto large sheets of paper.
Add headlines and a title for the newspaper.
Sharing the Newspaper (25-30 minutes):
Students share their newspaper with the class.
Students read their articles aloud and discuss their experiences.
Display the newspaper in the classroom or school hallway.
Observe students' participation and collaboration during the project.
Evaluate students' writing for clarity, grammar, and content.
Assess students' ability to gather information and conduct interviews.
Evaluate the overall layout and presentation of the newspaper.
For students needing extra support: Provide sentence starters, simplified vocabulary, and one-on-one assistance.
For advanced students: Encourage them to write longer articles, conduct more in-depth interviews, and explore different writing styles.
Extension Activities:
Create a digital version of the newspaper using online tools.
Invite a guest speaker (e.g., a journalist) to talk to the class about newspapers.
Visit a local newspaper office.
Have students create a weekly or monthly class newspaper.